Location: Cape Town, South Africa

Interior Designer: Kim Williams

Construction Company: 22 Cape Road Investments Pty Ltd

Photography: Kendall Leigh Nash

Kim Williams Design beautifully reimagined the living spaces of this compact townhouse, incorporating the transformative concept of the Flower of Life as a symbol of new beginnings, openness, and energy. With a vision to combine classic old-world charm with a modern glamorous look, the interior design was carefully curated to create a dream home that tells a story in every detail.

Drawing inspiration from traditional Cape architecture, the designer skilfully blended vintage and retro elements sourced from Cape Town with new modern pieces. Pre-used and antique items were integrated into the design, breathing new life into the space and adding a sense of history and character.

The living spaces were meticulously planned to maximize functionality and create a sense of openness, while also reflecting the personalities of the owner and her children. Given the compact nature of the townhouse, zoning the space was essential, and the designer achieved this by combining classic design principles with innovative solutions. The kitchen and dining area, for example, were reimagined as a versatile cocktail lounge that could easily transform into a sophisticated dining space for social occasions. The patio and undercover entertainment area became a haven for relaxation, featuring a cascading water feature that added a touch of tranquillity.

Every aspect of the design was carefully considered to provide a unique modern twist. Custom creations such as a hidden trellidoor secured by a laser-cut steel gold powder-coated screen, Flower of Life laser-cut screens, and a hydroponic wall garden added an element of surprise and innovation. The incorporation of original artworks, including mural work and unique pieces created by local artists, added a personal touch and further enriched the storytelling aspect of the home.

Through the thoughtful combination of old and new, Kim Williams Design successfully created living spaces that truly reflect the transformative journey of the owner’s reinvention. The design harmoniously fits within the traditional leafy green suburb of Claremont, while the modern elements bring a fresh and subtle perspective, mirroring the area’s transformation into a cosmopolitan hub with cultural diversity and influence.

With meticulous attention to detail and collaboration with local artisans and artists, Kim Williams Design has reimagined this home into a captivating space where the owner’s personal story intertwines with the elegance of design, creating a sanctuary that embodies new beginnings, energy, and open-mindedness.