Location: Tel Aviv

Interior Designer: Irene Goldberg & Sigal Baranowitz 

Photography : Amit Geron 

The A. Restaurant is a modern approach to Japanese cuisine and a project designed by Baranowitz Goldberg Architects. It was created to offer a place to experience culinary innovations and fuse both Japanese and Western cultures within a calm yet assertive space.  

Therefore, the designers implemented a curving wall in the entrance to greet and direct guests to a private seating area where the wall circles the space to offer a more private setting. However, once the guests enter the main dining area, the view finally opens and reveals a large yet intimate interior.

The space is monochromatic, offering various shades and textures of the colour grey, directly inspired by modern Japanese architecture. 

As part of the design, the straight wall becomes the main architectural feature of the restaurant as this one defines the main dining area and separates with a partition the kitchen from the dining area. The base of this partition is made of turquoise patina on copper, this color tone not only adds richness to the interior but is also a direct reference to the classic western domes. Another key aspect of this design is the halved arch, which was drawn from the existing proportions of the space. Furthermore, the central bar is highlighted by the sake display library and creates a unique backdrop within the restaurant. For the designers, it was also important to direct the guest’s view to the terrace to establish a strong connection between the indoors and outdoors. 

This design works so well because it is well-balanced between the Japanese and Western cultures. By emphasizing the connection between indoor and outdoor, Baranowitz Goldberg Architects have managed to create a holistic and modern experience for the guests.