Designers: Chase Davis & Daniela Carbone

Associated: Metalcrafters Transparencies and Composites, Inc.

Photography: Richard Maneen

For the company’s 50th anniversary, Embraer created the PULSE concept to envision what normal transport could be for Embraer Executive Jets’ customers of the future.

Beyond mobility between airports, the concept would provide uninterrupted travel using aero-terrestrial vehicles. As the Embraer design team continued to evolve interior sketches, they discovered a new archetype for chair design. While home furniture often influenced aircraft interiors of the past, now, aircraft of the future can influence modern furniture design. The project became known as the Paradigma office chair. Portuguese for “paradigm,” it represents the disruptive way Embraer provides innovative solutions.

Ayrton once said, “And so you touch this limit, something happens and you suddenly can go a little bit further. With your mind power, your determination, your instinct, and the experience as well, you can fly very high.” It is in this pioneering spirit we find synergy between Senna and Embraer, resulting in this unique collaboration to design a special-edition chair that takes “drive your truth” to a whole new level. Superior craftsmanship is apparent in every detail of the Senna Cockpit, which benefits from Embraer’s 50+ years of aerospace expertise, and incorporates the highest-quality materials, exceptional ergonomics and sustainable design solutions.

The Senna Cockpit teases future aircraft innovations and interior designs that will eventually enhance their current product portfolio. Embraer’s Design team worked alongside Metalcrafters Transparencies and Composites, Inc., a company specialized in manufacturing high-quality, precision components and prototypes for aerospace, automobiles, and more, brought to life the seat concept with the Paradigma Chair and its launch chair, the special-edition, limited- quantity Senna Cockpit.