Aeristo, a renowned supplier of luxury leathers and design-oriented, value-added services, proudly introduces Chrysalis, an innovative collection inspired by the timeless elegance of the Golden Ratio. This ground breaking collection utilises sophisticated printing techniques to create intricate patterns, meticulously crafted based on the Golden Ratio’s perfect proportions. These printed elements serve as canvases for embroidery, quilting, and perforation, adding depth and texture to the leathers. The result is a collection that exudes both elegance and cutting-edge design.
The inherent harmony of the Golden Ratio translates into a calming and sophisticated atmosphere, perfectly complementing the exclusivity and luxury of private aviation and yachting. Aeristo’s design philosophy, meticulously implemented by their artisans, ensures a cohesive and aesthetically pleasing experience for passengers. The subtle references to the Golden Ratio create a sense of order and tranquility, enhancing the overall ambiance of the interior space.