Name: Christine Saladas
Company: Clive Christian Interiors
Position within company: Sales Designer and Private Client Manager
Tell us a little about your background in design (education, experience, etc)
I worked at Harrods for 12 years – 10 of those were with Wrighton International kitchens and two with Miele. When Miele kitchens exited Harrods, they recommended me to one of their clients. I helped him set up a company for contract kitchens based at Tower Bridge.
I felt it was time to work for myself and had a couple of projects to start me off. A friend offered me a shop in Hayes, Kent, and, as I still had contact with Miele, I approached them to see if they had any displays I could have to start me off. They gave me four displays from Harrods!
Once I had set up my own studio, I started to think about my client base and looked at the market offering. I came across Clive Christian who had just started advertising their kitchens with chandeliers! I sent an email to Clive Christian and was invited for a meeting. I agreed to take one display, and within 12 months I had bought a shop opposite my original location and opened a full solus Clive Christian studio. Over the next 20 years I then bought Clive Christian Tunbridge Wells and finally opened the Clive Christian concession in Harrods.