Ensoul, renowned for their daring and imaginative interior designs, embarked on an exhilarating journey with a visionary client to transform a sprawling Victorian family home in Balham into a vibrant, rock n’ roll haven. Tasked with infusing every corner with extraordinary flair while avoiding kitsch, Ensoul embraced the challenge with gusto.
At the heart of the project was the creation of a dynamic open-plan family space on the ground and lower ground floors. Here, three distinct zones seamlessly merged: a sleek kitchen adorned with a welcoming breakfast bar, a cozy lounge area for relaxation, and a dedicated dining space exuding familial warmth. To combat heat loss and contain cooking aromas, the kitchen was strategically enclosed from the hallway, enhancing both practicality and comfort. A spacious cloakroom effortlessly accommodated the hustle and bustle of daily life.