Name: Cheryl Smith DiGennaro
Company: Newport Yacht Interiors
Position within company: Founder/Designer/Owner
Tell us a little about your background in design:
My introduction to interior design began at a very early age. My mother was an interior designer and would bring my sister and I along to her clients’ stately and grand homes on Bellevue Avenue in Newport, while she hung wallpaper and staged their homes. I was intrigued with the process of selecting a variety of materials and combining them like puzzle pieces to make a cohesive overall scheme.
I hold a bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts and Design from Massachusetts College of Art in Boston. From Newport to Boston to San Francisco, (and finally back to Newport), I took on interior design projects on a freelance basis for many years. I began my professional career in yacht interior design in 2005, working for a yacht interior manufacturing firm as the designer. During these 8 years, I committed to learning the necessary processes of yacht interior construction, technical needs and functionality demands. I knew one day I would open a Yacht Interior Design studio, allowing me to offer my clientele full-service design and outfitting options. In 2013, I did just that and Newport Yacht Interiors was an instant success.