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In Profile:

In Profile:


Shortlisted: Interior Design Award Over 40 Metres

The International Yacht & Aviation Awards 2024

The International Yacht & Aviation Awards

Name: Diego Burdi


Position within company: Creative Partner


Tell us a little about your background in design:
I come from a first generation of Italian Canadian immigrants. My father was a grocer and my mom stayed home. At a very young age my parents realized that I was artistic and from early childhood to adolescence they enrolled me in various art programs where I got to explore, learn problem solving and develop my own visual spatial process. In terms of studies, I originally enrolled in architecture but very soon realized that I was more interested by the interior environment than architecture. After just a year, I switched for a Bachelor of Arts with a major in interior design. This is where I met Paul Filek my business partner and since we have been practicing for more than 30 years.

How would you describe your personal design style?
Personally, I love modern. But in my practice, I define BURDIFILEK’s design sensibility as being quiet, with an understated elegance, luxury with a global and timeless appeal. We strive to transcend trends to blend a distinctive design vision. We are committed to excellence and pay attention to every detail that creates a unique experience. Craftmanship and working with highly skilled artisans is extremely important.

Where does your design inspiration come from?
I get a lot of my inspirations from my various travels. Visiting new places, seeing new things tasting new food and fashion.  Traveling becomes a new adventure and this is exciting and inspiring for me. I would also say that collaborations, be with talented artisans or other designers allows you to see beyond what is and opens to a realm of possibilities for new creative ideas and solutions in design. In the studio, inspiration also comes from extensive research, and pushing a vision to its limit.  We strive to come up with something unique and different for every project.

In what direction do you feel that design is moving towards in a general sense?
Uniqueness is becoming more of a rarity these days, but I think we are seeing more meaningful design sensibility immerging in architecture and interior environments. More human driven experiences. Creating spaces that allows for immersive and transformative inner well-being have already been on the rise for the past few years.

Name five key themes to consider when approaching design in 2024 and beyond?
Program and function of design, understanding the space, understanding the end user, potential at hand and the creative approach.


If you could offer one piece of advice when it comes to design schemes, what would it be?
I would say to learn the art of editing. A well edited room is key to uniqueness and reveals a holistically and beautifully design space.

What was your favourite project to work on and why?
This is like asking “who your favorite child is”. I would say “I don’t have one”. Each project is unique and comes with its own set of opportunities and complexities. From a client’s vision to the projects’ program to a site-specific location and the local culture, each interiors becomes an occasion to jump in a fascinating journey to tell a new story.

What was your most challenging project to work on and why?
A project where designing by committee was involved. This particular project was overly political and there were too many cooks in the kitchen. It did make our job very difficult.

Which products/services could you not live without when designing?
Good executors and craftmanships at every stage of the building process.

How important are The International Yacht & Aviation Awards?
The International Yacht & Aviation Awards are important as it is a measure of excellence and a global benchmark in the yachting & aviation world. It is a great platform to highlight what is happening in this category, a chance for exposure for interior designers, architects, and shipyards, and an opportunity to rub shoulders with the best in this category.

What projects are you currently working on?
We are currently working on a 40,000 sq ft. cosmetic hall in Seoul for the Hyundai Department Store Company. As well as several international residential and commercial projects, including two retail fashion concept stores to be revealed this summer.

What are your aims and goals for the next twelve months?
Keep focusing on the work at hand and push the boundaries of design by raising the bar to the next level. Continue the creative journey with our studio and our team by experimenting with new materials, textures, and ideas. Develop a series of products.

Final thoughts; tell us a little more about yourself and your daily inspirations? I try to make everyday meaningful. Have an open mind to the creative process and the people that surround me.

Your most treasured possession? My home.

Your favourite holiday destination? Tokyo

Your favourite hotel, restaurant & bar?

Hotel: Aman in Tokyo for an incredible design experience and being an oasis of peace and serenity in the middle of bustling Tokyo.

Restaurant: Kojima at Boon the Shop in Seoul, South Korea for its elegance and its philosophy of selecting the finest and freshest natural ingredients.

Your favourite film & song?

Film: “I am love” because it is an elegant piece of cinema. Deep and full of humanity.  Perfectly and beautifully shot by Luca Guadagnino the Italian director.

Song: “Wild Is The Wind” by Nina Simone because it is a powerful love song.

Your favourite food and drink?

Food: Italian cuisine!

Drink: A good gin and tonic.

Your favourite way to spend an afternoon? Walking the street of Paris and gallery hopping.

If you weren’t a designer, what would you be? A hotelier.


Burdifilek Inc have been shortlisted for Interior Design Award Over 40 Metres in The International Yacht & Aviation Awards 2024.

The International Yacht & Aviation Awards

design et al only work with the world’s leading companies in the International Yacht & Aviation industry.

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The International Yacht & Aviation Awards 2024
are organised by design et al

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Marine Leather

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