Sands Corporation, renowned for its innovative transformations, spearheaded the revitalisation of an underutilised interior space within a hotel, introducing a groundbreaking adaptive reuse concept resulting in a 6,000-seat arena. Inspired by the allure of the Orient Express, Sands Corporation seamlessly melded grand oriental aesthetics with timeless British design elements.
The pre-function areas welcome guests with a palette of copper, rose gold, and metal, evoking warmth and elegance through rounded edges, materiality and form. Distinctive portals guide guests through transition spaces, while evoking the excitement and charm of the Victorian era together with the thrill of attending an event. Descending into the rich interior, bespoke chandelier lighting and custom-designed furnishings, such as wicker chairs and solid timber seating, curated by the interior design team, envelop guests in opulence.