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In Profile:
Uros Pavasovic / UP Design Ltd

In Profile:

Uros Pavasovic

Shortlisted: Concept Over 40 Metres Award

The International Yacht & Aviation Awards 2024

The International Yacht & Aviation Awards
Uros Pavasovic

Name: Uros Pavasovic

Company: Uros Pavasovic Design

Position within company: Founder


Tell us a little about your background in design:

I grew up obsessed with cars both from design point of view as well as from technical side. When time came to choose the university, I didn’t have access to high profile car design schools, so I deliberated between car engineering or creative design schools that were accessible to me. I had interest in both but they were mutually exclusive. With the knowledge of an 18 years old I finally opted for an architectural school which included both creative as well as technical subjects. However, my passion for cars never faded away so a few years after graduating from architecture I enrolled into London’s Royal College of Art where I obtained an MA in car design.

Upon graduating from the RCA I took on a temporary 3 month design job in London to bridge the gap while applying for my dream car design jobs. The company that offered the temporary job was Andrew Winch Design. Soon after joining I got hooked to yacht design as I could use all my skills as an architect as well as a car designer.

I spent the next 7 years as a conceptual designer at Andrew Winch Design where I was involved I many yacht projects as well as aircraft and residential projects. Perhaps the most striking one being the 99m Madame GU built by Feadship. The next 7 years were spent at Terence Disdale Design where I was heavily involved in the development of 146m Opera and 160m Blue, both built by Lurssen. In 2020 I started working as an independent designer and have since been involved in variety of yacht projects as well as some automotive.

How would you describe your personal design style?

Understated but innovative and distinct. To me a continuous improvement of existing designs or products feels like a natural evolution. I am always suspicions when I hear words ‘revolutionary’ or ‘disruptive’. There is usually a reason why many designs remain unchanged in their concept regardless of changing styles and fashions.

Where does your design inspiration come from?

Being a vehicle designer and being drawn to moving objects I noticed that I inadvertently mix automotive, aviation and nautical influences also including high speed trains, bicycles, motorbikes, science fiction vehicles and more.

In what direction do you feel that design is moving towards in a general sense?

On one hand there is a trend towards simplification in the digital world and the digital devices that come with it. On the other hand, there is a trend towards overcomplication such as in car design for example. I am hoping for a visually decluttered future across all areas of design.

Name five key themes to consider when approaching design in 2024 and beyond.

Purpose, value to the user, value to the greater community,

If you could offer one piece of advice when it comes to design schemes, what would it be?

Make them work.

What was your favourite project to work on and why?

146 meter Opera built by Lurssen. Working alongside the design legend Terence Disdale, a great mentor, teacher and person to whom I owe most of my knowledge of designing and developing large yachts.

What was your most challenging project to work on and why?

146 meter Opera due to the huge amount of information that has to be managed on a project of such colossal scale.

Uros Pavasovic
Uros Pavasovic
Uros Pavasovic

Which products/services could you not live without when designing?
Being able to access any file or communication from any device anywhere anytime is essential and don’t remember how we were able to live without it.

How important are The International Yacht & Aviation Awards?
This is an excellent opportunity to showcase and promote my work.

What projects are you currently working on?
I am currently involved in projects ranging from a small refit to a custom yacht including an automotive project intended for mass production.

What are your aims and goals for the next twelve months?
To develop and successfully complete the above-mentioned projects.

Final thoughts; tell us a little more about yourself and your daily inspirations:

Your most treasured possession?
Pen & paper as well as the digital devices that allow me to be unrestrictedly creative

Your favourite holiday destination?
A small Mediterranean town in Croatia called Skradin where I have been going since my childhood. It offers peace and relaxation away from the hustle and bustle of London. However, it has also become a superyacht destination and therefore a great yacht spotting destination as well.

Your favourite hotel, restaurant & bar?
It’s my local gym and SPA in Richmond where I can work, work out, eat, drink and relax to achieve my ‘Mens sana in corpore sano’

Your favourite book, film & song?
Anything starring Jim Carrey or Mike Myers I am afraid

Your favourite food?
Tiramisu of course

Your favourite way to spend an afternoon?
In the SPA

If you weren’t a designer, what would you be?
Comedian, which explains my favourite actors

Anything else interesting?
I don’t own a car or a boat

Exterior Designer: Uros Pavasovic

Uros Pavasovic have been shortlisted for Concept Over 40 Metres Award in The International Yacht & Aviation Awards 2024.

Uros Pavasovic
Uros Pavasovic
The International Yacht & Aviation Awards

design et al only work with the world’s leading companies in the International Yacht & Aviation industry.

If you think you have what it takes to compete in The International Yacht & Aviation Awards, submit your application by following the links below:

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The International Yacht & Aviation Awards 2024
are organised by design et al
and sponsored by:

Sylka Carpets
Marine Leather
Falcon Tenders

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