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Garuda Design

The Boathouse by Garuda Design

Garuda Design were the winners of the Luxury Residence £1-2.5 Million Award in The International Hotel and Property Awards 2022.

The concept was to have the exterior to blend into the grey rocky bank and the interior to feel with its full height glazing to feel like the inside of a luxury Yacht. It was important to feature timber throughout to reflect the passion and heritage of the client. The 2-storey building was to have the entire first floor as the main living, dining, kitchen, utility, master bedroom, bathroom and dressing area, to fully appreciate the elevated views of the lake. The building slowly curves around the bank so was challenging to articulate the internal spaces but it was important that these all flowed and the space felt serene and uplifting with its glazed walls and rooflights, but at the touch of a button the curtains and blinds could close and block out the light, the lights would dim and a rich sense of luxury pervaded. The interior is rich and masculine but still has a sense of warmth.

The key aspect of the design was the unusual shape of the building as it had a gentle curve and a pitched roof. This led to a long spine wall the length of the hallway and kitchen which the designer cladded in a ribbed walnut panelling. This warm timber articulates the shape and space beautifully, reflecting the many surrounding trees, the colours of autumn and the Yacht or ship Interior. The glazed balustrade and timber stair then flow down into the lower part of the ship with a leather handrail and brass fixings, again reminiscent of a Yacht.

The use of the timber, glass, brass fixtures all give a sense of a yacht interior, with the shelving and doors all cleverly concealed within the panelling. This all helps to add real richness and warmth against the backdrop of the water beyond.  

The exterior of the building with its local Stone cladding, stainless steel and glazed balconies blend with the cold rock surrounding, the steel of the adjacent bridge and the boats in the yard. The interior with its cool greys and timber feel organic and warm against the backdrop of the lake and the trees.

Garuda Design

design et al only work with the world’s leading designers.

If you think you have what it takes to compete in The International Hotel & Property Awards, submit your application by clicking here.

How to Apply  /  The Categories

  • Sylka Carpets
  • Marine Leather

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